Tamara Beitzel Barriquand

Tamara Beitzel Barriquand
(707) 826-3145
SciA 465

Office Hours

 Mon 11:00 - 11:45 AM Tues 3:00 - 4:45 PM, Th 2:10 - 2:50 PM,    Fri 9:00-9:45 AM in NR 110

Physical Oceanography

Specialty Area

Internal waves, turbulence, fluid dynamics, air-sea interactions


PhD, Physical Oceanography, Université de Paris VI
MS, Oceanography, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
BA, Physics & Environmental Chemistry, Colorado College

Courses Taught

PHYX 109 General Physics A: Mechanics
PHYX 109L General Physics A: Mechanics Lab
PHYX 211 General Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
PHYX 211L General Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Lab
OCN 109L General Oceanography Lab
OCN 320 Physical Oceanography
OCN 320L Physical Oceanography Lab
OCN 485 Undergraduate Seminar
OCN 495 Field Cruise I
OCN 496 Field Cruise II